AFEES History

The History of AFEES dates back to 1964
Before 1961, a Frenchman by the name of Leslie Atkinson, a Reserve Captain in the French Air Force, a member of the executive committee of the Army Resistance Organization, and a Helper for Allied airmen, was inspired by the brilliant work accomplished by the British Royal Air Forces Escaping Society. It became his mission to create an association that would bring together American aviators who had escaped from enemy-occupied territory and their European Helpers.

With the help and advice of many people, Mr. Atkinson’s efforts resulted in the Air Force Rescue Association being organized in France. By July 1, 1963, the project had been approved by the US Embassy in Paris, the US Air Force in Europe, and the President of the French Republic. Leslie’s personal determination to fulfill his objective kept him going. He advertised in Europe and found many Helpers; he advertised in the States and received a few replies.

In early 1961, Ralph Patton went back to France and traced his escape route to Guingamp. There he met Mathurin Branchous, the provincial Resistance leader who had a list of names and last-known addresses of Americans who had escaped by way of Operation Bonaparte. When he returned home, Ralph contacted two other men on the list: John T Amery and Fred Schmitt. The three men proceeded with plans for a reunion in Buffalo, NY, on May 15-16, 1964, to honor their war-time benefactors.

Letters went out and encouraging responses were received from evaders. Counting family members, 56 people attended the Buffalo reunion, including 32 evaders, 7 helpers and 1 from Canada. That list was the origin of the US Air Forces Escape & Evasion Society roll.

In the January 1964 issue of the VFW magazine, Leslie’s notice appeared on the same page with one from Ralph K Patton seeking contacts from “those who escaped from Plouha on the Northern coast of Brittany.” Contact was established between Ralph and Leslie and they began to communicate about their common interests. Mr Atkinson gave Ralph the names of airmen he had in the US and Leslie concentrated his efforts with the helpers he had identified in Europe. Leslie Atkinson extended his contacts in Europe beyond France. He corresponded with officials in Belgium, Holland, Norway, Italy and other nations. Belgium, thanks to Comète, sent a delegation of 61 to the U.S. in 1974 for celebrations in Detroit, Washington and New York City. Ralph Patton also developed ties with the Royal Air Forces Escaping Society of Canada which resulted in a joint reunion in Toronto in 1995, a memorable event for all involved.

The AFEES list contained 33 names at the 8th Air Force Historical Society meeting in Phoenix in 1979 and 50 a year later when the 8th met in Orlando. In 1982, 28 helpers attended the meeting of the 8th in Cincinnati. That was when Scotty David went to work to locate evaders in the US. Armed with a list of 3,000 names, she began her search. By 1986, AFEES had about 400 members and held the society’s first annual meeting in Atlanta with 170 in attendance. By dint of personal perservance and hundreds of letters and telephone calls, Scotty somehow continues to discover new members. Membership reached 949 in 1994, including some 175 men from the 15th Air Force and other units not on the original list.

Nearly 60 years after World War II, members continue to be located. The current list of known helpers world-wide now exceeds 600.

For a list of its reunions with their locations and activities, click here.  For one of the issues of AFEES Communications that describes how AFEES came into being, see the March 2010 issue, pp. 25-25, in the AFEES Newsletter Archive.  See also the June 1996 issue, pg. 14-16 in the Newsletter Archive.

For information on the AFEES symbol of the flying boot, see the Winter 1990-91 issue of he AFEES newsletter, pg. 2 (

AFEES Communications, published quarterly, is the official Journal of the Air Forces Escape & Evasion Society. AFEES is a tax-exempt Veterans organisation under IRS Code 501 (C)(19). It was founded in 1964 and is Chartered in the State of Georgia.

For more on the history, see the following two pages from the special August 2006 issue of the newsletter:




5 thoughts on “AFEES History

  1. My father-in-law, Fred O’Laughlin, flew B-24s out of England and they were forced to land outside of Brussels on October 15, 1944. He was held by numerous Belgian underground personnel and finally returned to Allied lines and returned to England. He was with the 392nd Bomb Group/577 Bomb Squadron and flew on the Fairy Belle. He has since past away but I am trying to find all I can regarding his time with the underground and his return to his base. Do you have any information? Where do I begin to look? Anything you can provide would be helpful. Thank you in advance.

    Dear Mr. Steinfort,

    I checked the index to on-line escape and evasion reports but did not find him listed. Ditto in the case of the Comet Line, the biggest escape line. I suggest that you try the website for the 392nd BG at and One or the other might be able to help you. Also take a look at After you have exhausted those, write again.

    Bruce Bolinger
    AFEES website administrator
    bcbolinger at

  2. Bonjour, fille et petite fille (75 ans) d’une famille de Loire Atlantique, qui a hébergé 2 aviateurs alliés du 18 septembre 1943 au octobre 1943 , et après de nombreuses recherches personnelles j’aimerais savoir s’il est possible de rentrer en contact avec leurs enfants ou petits enfants. Il s’agit de :Lieutenant Lionel DREW jnr avion306BG/423BS(B-17) et du Lieutenant McGourlic Donald Francis avion 106 Sqn Lancaster DV196. D’avance je vous en remercie. Annick Guilbaud-Garand

    1. Greetings. Lt. Lionel Drew’s niece and her husband plan to come to France in September 2025 and hope to meet you. Lt Drew was in the 306th Bomb Group, and I am the President of the 306th Bomb Group Historical Association in the United States. Please send me an email at [email protected] so I can get your email address and put you in touch with Mr, & Mrs. George Woodall.

      Thank you very much.

      Steve Snyder

  3. Hello, daughter and granddaughter (75 years old) of a family from Loire Atlantique, which hosted 2 allied aviators from September 18 1943 to 06 October 1943, and after much personal research I would like to know if it is possible to return to contact with their children or grandchildren. These are: Lieutenant Lionel DREW jnr plane 306BG/423BS (B-17) and Lieutenant McGourlic Donald Francis plane 106 Sqn Lancaster DV196. I thank you in advance. Annick Guilbaud-Garand

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