Exceptional paintings of WWII aviation art available on the Internet have come to our attention. Our first correspondence was with William H. McIntosh, Lt. Col. USAF (Ret), whose website provides samples of art originally collected by the Spanish general, Yago F. Bobadilla. Col. McIntosh attempted, without success, to contact Gen. Bobadilla on our behalf to ensure that he would have no objections to AFEES providing links to Col. McIntosh’s website pages. Since there was no response, we have gone ahead with providing those links below as well as samples of the art. Our thanks to Col. McIntosh for his assistance. Click on a photo to enlarge it.
Beautiful Aviation Art by William H. McIntosh
1. https://toshmcintosh.com/2011/04/beautiful-aviation-art-part-one/
2. https://toshmcintosh.com/2011/04/beautiful-aviation-art-part-two/
3. https://toshmcintosh.com/2011/05/beautiful-aviation-art-part-three/
4. https://toshmcintosh.com/2012/07/beautiful-aviation-art-part-four/
5. https://toshmcintosh.com/2012/08/beautiful-aviation-art-part-five/
6. https://toshmcintosh.com/2013/03/beautiful-aviation-art-part-six/
For additional examples of such art, see also:
Awesome Aviation Art at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sM050syVSJnQol5j-YvcPvjoR2GYS9T5uaeUO-wi2ZE/edit#slide=id.p32 .