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2004 Reunion – Philadelphia
Above left: Two helpers and the daughter of a helper. Above right: Retired woman general speaks to AFEES members a the museum of women in the armed services.
Members assemble in Park City in front of the Utah Olympic Park sign before touring the visitor center.
Left: Map of ski routes in the visitor. Right: Charlotte Bolinger in front of display at the visitor center.
Left. Welcome dinner on Thursday evening (clockwise from left: Catherine Thorpe, Richard Shandor, Gabriel Sauer, Nancy Costello Scoville, Dennis Scoville, Beverly Patton Wand, Don Thorpe). Right: Welcome dinner (clockwise from left: Mary Wofner, Lynn David, “Scotty” David, June Hauer, Joseph Owens).
Left: Welcome dinner (clockwise from left, Emma Snodgrass, William Binnesbose, Elise Andre, Lois Hamilton [standing], Cynthia Forrester, Elizabeth McDade, and Jane Binnebose. Right: In the hospitality room, Gabriel Sauer, WWII Dutch helper, points out an entry in the Kampina Airborne book to Lois Hamilton and Cynthia Forrester.
Left: Hill AFB Museum. From left to right: Elise Andre, David Allison, and Gabriel Sauer listen to museum guide in front of a Wright airplane replica. Right: Joseph Owens, with June Hauer, examines the B-17 bottom turret gunner’s position from which he fought WWII.
Left: Hill AFB Museum. Members and the museum guide in front of a B-17. Right: Our group with the guide in front of a Wright replica. From left to right: the guide, Emma Snodgrass, Betty Hennessy, Mary Wofner, Catherine Thorpe, Lynn David, Don Thorpe, John White, Elise Andre, Michelle White, Lois Hamilton, and Cynthia Forrester.
Left: Hill AFB Museum. Lois Hamilton and Elise Andre examine the description of a P38J “Lightning.” Right: Interior of the museum building housing WWII aircraft.
Left and right: Following a luncheon at Hill AFB, the members learned about the search and rescue work of Angel Thunder from Brett Hartnett, Director, Bryan Kassman, and Neil McCready.
Left: Two AF aides and the three Angel Thunder representatives join us in a group photo at Hill AFB following the luncheon. Right: Dinner at the Market Street Grill (clockwise from left: Cynthia Forrester, Charlotte Bolinger, David Allison, and Charles Screws).
Left: At the Saturday morning Memorial Service, Lynn David holds the microphone as Jane Binnesbose lights a commemorative candle. Right: Saturday evening banquet. Clockwise from center, “Scotty” David, June Hauer, Joseph Owen, Brett Hartnett (Angel Thunder director), Richard Shandor, Betty Hennessy, Mary Wofner, and Lynn David.
Left: AFEES honorees (left to right): Richard Fairlamb, Vietnam war evader; Joseph Owens, WWII evader; Gabriel Sauer, Dutch helper; and Charles Screws, WWII evader. Right: Joseph Owens, June Hauer, Jane Binnebose, Emma Snodgrass, and William Binnebose.
Above left: We stayed at the Plaza Hotel in downtown Salt Lake City, UT, conveniently located opposite the stop for the free tram. Above right: Temple Square, one block from our hotel.
2016 – Tucson, Arizona
Above left: Delegates gather in front of Pima Air & Space Museum. Above right: Guide explains the operation of the SR17 Blackbird. From left to right: Margy Fricke, guide, Elizabeth McDade, Beverly Patton Wand, Mary Shier, and Robert Snodgrass.
Above: Diorama of 390th Bomb Group on a mission.
Above left: Nose of a B-17 G. Above right: From left to right, listening to Richard Bushong, Col., USAF, (ret.) explaining operations of a B-17, are Bruce Bolinger, Don Thorpe, Mary Shier, Beverly Patton Wand, and Elizabeth McDade.
Above photo at the Pima Air and Space Museum shows a Lockheed SR 71 “Blackbird,” capable of flying at 88,000 ft. and 3 1/2 times the speed of sound. From left to right: Elizabeth McDade, Beverly Patton Wand, the guide (white shirt), Robert Snodgrass, Mary Shier, Catherine Thorpe (partially obscured), and Don Thorpe.
Elizabeth McDade (l) and Margy Fricke (center) photograph a map of Europe depicting bombing missions by the 390th Bomb Group at the 390th Memorial Museum. Beverly Patton Wand (r) examines another display.
Above left and right: These photos show progressively more detail of the wall map, including bases, missions, and areas with flak.
Above left: View of interior of B-17 showing nose and bombardier’s position. Above right: View of interior showing bomb bay.
One of thousands of cocooned aircraft at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base near Tucson as viewed from a van which took us through the “boneyard.”
Friday night dinner above. Left table, clockwise from left: Don Thorpe, Dennis Scoville, Nancy Costello Scoville, Suzanne Price, Franck Signorile, Charlotte Bolinger, and Catherine Thorp. Right table, clockwise from left: Joe Owens, Mary Shier, Beverly Patton Wand, Margy Fricke, June Hauer, June Binnebose, (obscured), and Bill Binnebose.
Hospitality room photos above. Left photo, from left to right: Mary Shier, Gabriel Sauer, and Don Thorpe link arms. Right photo, Suzanne Price listens as Nancy Costello Scoville gestures during a discussion of research into the French Resistance.
Above left: Charlotte Bolinger is distracted by the photographer while talking with Vietnam War evader Richard Fairlamb. Above right: Col. John K. Lussier, head of the 563rd Rescue Group, Davis-Monthan AFB, explains the mission of the 563rd to AFEES delegates.
Above left: A pilot with the 563rd Rescue Group outlines the role of helicopter support. Above right: AFEES reunion attendees prepare to enter a Lockheed C-130 four-engine turboprop used for search and rescue (SAR). At the presentation that morning AFEES members heard a fascinating account of how the 563rd rescued Chinese fishermen burned in a fishing boat explosion 1600 miles out in the Pacific.
Above left: Boarding the C-130. Above right: Interior of C-130. From left: Richard Shandor, Robert Snodgrass, Jane Binnebose, and Air Force guide.
Above left: AFEES members inspect a Pave Hawk helicopter, a search and rescue counterpart of the Black Hawk. Above right: Zack Hancock, pilot of the Pave Hawk, poses for us while AFEES members inspect the interior.
Above: AFEES reunion members pose for a group photo in front of the Pave Hawk.
Above left: French researcher Franck Signorile explains the database he has placed on the Internet which shows the numbers and names of helpers of Allied airmen by location in France. Above right: Franck explains to Catherine and Don Thorp the uses of his database in researching the French Resistance. Mary Spinning Shier (left background) and Beverly Patton Wand (right background) observe.
Above left: A regular feature of each AFEES reunion is the memorial service honoring evaders and helpers. In addition to a responsive reading, there is a lighting of candles in their memory. Helper Gabriel Sauer lights a candle while Mary Spinning Shier and Jane Binnebose look on.
Above left: The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, consisting of a zoo, garden, museum, gallery, and aquarium was our last stop during our reunion. Above right: Mary Spinning Shier and Betty Hennessy are tiny by contrast to the tremendous height of the cactus.
Above left: Dennis Scoville and Nancy Costello Scoville pose with a flowering cactus. Above right: A mountain sheep ponders which way to jump.
Above left: Resting at the entrance while waiting for the van to take them back to the hotel were: (front row) Joseph Owens, June Hauer, Elizabeth McDade, and (back row) Robert Snodgrass. Above right: At the finish of the Saturday night banquet, attendees pose for the camera. (Front row) Worth Reis, Gabriel Sauer, and Aletta Sauer; (back row) Margy Carlson Fricke, Richard Fairlamb, Charlotte Bolinger, and Betty Hennessy.
Above left: Enjoying the Saturday night banquet were, from left, Robert Snodgrass, Jane Binnebose, James Binnebose, Elizabeth McDade, Betty Lewis, and Bryan Kasmenn. Above right: Colonel Richard Bushong, USAF (ret.), who addressed the banquet, describing his experiences as a B-17 pilot during WWII, autographs a copy of his memoirs for Richard Shandor.
Evader and helper honorees at the Saturday night banquet. From left to right: Richard Fairlamb, Gabriel Sauer, Joseph Owens, and Charles Screws
2017 – Tampa, Florida
Upper Left: Michelle White, Charlotte Bolinger, June Hauer, and Joe Owens wait for the van to the Florida State University Botanical Gardens. Upper Right: Charlotte Bolinger and Mary Shier try honey sticks at the gardens while Michelle White, Beverly Patton Wand, and Jane Binnebose look on.
Upper Left: Joe Owens points out the shallow root structure of a plant at the botanical gardens. Upper right: Explanatory plaque at the botanical gardens.
Upper left: Joe Owens enjoys a honey stick while Bill Binnebose admires the flowers. Upper right: Bill photographs an orchid while Jane is distracted.
Above: Dennis Scovill, Bill Binnebose, Joe Owens, June Hauer, Mary Spier, and Jane Binnebose enjoy the Hospitality Room. Right: Beverly Patton Wand, Charlotte Bolinger, and Cynthia Forrester partake of pizza before setting out for the Dolphin Cruise.
Left: Lynn David (standing) and Bill Binnebose compare GPS directions to the port while Michelle White and Jane Binnebose discuss plans and Joe Owens and June Hauer look on.
AFEES members on Dolphin Cruise (l to r): Dennis and Nancy Scovill, Bill and Jane Binnebose, June Hauer, Lynn David, Charles Screws, David Allison, Charlotte Bolinger, Beverly Patton Wand, Cynthia Forrester (hidden), crew member, Margy Fricke, Mary Shier, Bruce Bolinger, Michelle White, and John White.
2018 Reunion – Savannah, Georgia
The AFEES reunion in Savannah was the occasion for an emotional meeting of the Edge/Abel family, descendants of airman William Edge, and the Watts family, descendants of airman Louis Watts. William Edge and Louis Watts were both members of the crew of the same B-26 Marauder shot down over France, May 10, 1944. Both evaded initially, but William Edge was betrayed and imprisoned for a time at Buchenwald.
Our thanks to Dominique Lecomte and Margaret Fricke for many of the photos–the best ones of course!–used in the above of the 2018 Savannah reunion.
2019 Reunion — Niagara, New York
2019 Reunion Combined with 8th AF Historical Society – St. Louis, MO
2021 Reunion Combined with 8th AF Historical Society – Savannah, GA
2022 Combined Reunion with the 8th AF Historical Society in Arlington, VA
The Oct. 19-23, 2022 reunion in Arlington, VA, had over 325 participants, including eight WWII vets.
On the first full day of the reunion, Oct. 20, the morning featured a guided tour of the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy National Air and Space Museum located near Dulles International Airport. Highlights of the tour were the B-29 Superfortress Enola Gay, and the following: P-40 E Warhawk, Stearman Kaydet, Hawker Hurricane, Focke-Wulf 190F, and Aichi M6A1 Seiran. The following is a selection of photos from the tour.
Following the tour of the public area, we were taken on a tour of the Mary Baker Engen Restoration Hangar at Udvar-Hazi where a docent described the work of preservation and restoration and where photography was forbidden. He explained the work being done on each of the following:
B-17 Shoo Shoo Baby: upper turret, chin turret, and propellers
B-26 Marauder Flak-Bait
IL-2 Shturmovik
WWI Fokker D.VII
Amelia Earhart Vega 5B
Viking lander test vehicle
After lunch at Udvar-Hazy we set off to see Arlington National Cemetery and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, with its changing of the guard ceremony.
The tour of the cemetery was scheduled to have us arrive at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in time for the changing of the guard.
A new guard takes over.
Following our visit to Arlington National Cemetery, we paid a visit to the striking Air Force Memorial.
Thursday evening of the first day there was a buffet dinner followed by a talk by author Warren Carah, “Preserving a Legacy, the Footsteps of Bud Owens,” followed by a video on the subject. Members of our group appear below, followed by photos of the initial screens of the presentation.
For more on Bud Owens and the commemorative trek dedicated to him, see “In the Footsteps of Bud Owens” on this website.
The second day of the reunion, Friday, Oct. 21, was devoted to Bomb Group meetings in the morning and a tour of the Washington Mall, war memorials, and monuments. We began with the American Veterans Disabled for Life (the two following photos).
Next came the monument to General Pershing, now known as the WWI monument.
The following three photos are two views of the Lincoln Memorial and one taken from in front of the memorial of the reflecting pool with the Washington Monument in the background:
Third day of the reunion, Saturday, Oct. 22– 8th AFHS Board Meeting, tour of Old Town Alexandria, VA, AFEES Board Meeting and General Meeting, and 8th AFHS Banquet
During the morning of Saturday, there was a general membership meeting of the 8th AFHS. Among other matters taken up was an election to fill a seat on the Board of Directors. Candidates for the seat were Eleesa Faulker, incumbent, and Charles Lundsberg. By a very narrow vote, Ms. Faulkner was reelected.
During the general meeting, one of the members brought to the attention of the audience the new General Carl Spaatz National USAAF Museum in Pennsylvania, website at See in particular The Museum Experience and the Escape Room. “For a truly one-of-a-kind experience the museum offers an enhanced, immersive experience that places a small group of visitors in the time frame of our interactive exhibits and invites the visitor to participate by living in history.”
Next on our agenda was a tour of Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. Our first stop was Christ Church.
From Christ Church we were taken to see the George Washington Masonic National Memorial:
Following our return to the hotel, AFEES had its annual Board meeting followed by its General Meeting. Our traditional Memorial Service and candle-lighting service was conducted by member John White. Members lighting candles in memory of loved ones were as shown below.
The evening of Oct. 22 was the 8th AF banquet. Featured speaker was Maj. Gen. Andrew J. Gebara, Commander, Eighth Air Force, and Commander, Joint-Global Strike Operations Center, Barksdale AFB, Louisiana. His remarks were relatively short because he turned the podium over to six Air Force enlisted personnel (shown below) each of whom addressed the conference in turn.