Reunion of Yvonne Daley-Brusselmans and Bill McGinley
The following article about the reunion of helper Yvonne Daley-Brusselmans and airman Bill McGinley is reproduced from the 8th AF News, Vol. 14, No. 4, December 2014 with permission of Debra D. Kujawa, Managing Director, 8th Air Force Historical Society. Click on the image to enlarge it. To get a better image, click on the following pdf file: Daley-Brusselmans and McGinley reunion
My thanks to Ms. Kujawa for permission to reproduce the above article.
I am a member of the society having been a prisoner and escapee in Europe and likewise in China during WWII. We need a speaker for a Florida Pilots group meeting there this coming February. Their tradition is to have a Pilot speaker of WWII. All expenses will be advanced. The group is extremely patrotic, of top significant credentials and most entertaining. I was their speaker last year. Can you help?
The webmaster will provide Mr. Fassoulis some recommended speakers directly.