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- Fridley, MN 55421-1351
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I am a member of AFEES. Last year I was the guest speaker of and a veteran pilot group at their annual meeting in Florida. I was not aware of them before but this group of Veterans are outstanding patriots, extremely intelligent and ooze with comradery. By tradition they have always selected a WWII pilot. With persons of this ability becoming scarce there is difficulty in selecting a speaker for the meeting next February. All expenses will be paid. Please advise.
The webmaster will provide Mr. Fassoulis some recommended speakers directly.
Hello (xerete),
Satiris “Sonny” Fasoulos,
I am John Katsaros the President of AFEES. Sorry to say I have not been able to attend the last three annual Meetings of AFEES, because of my wife Mary Vantes Katsaros’ health. at 96 years old I refuse to place her in assistant living and as a result I have been her full time 24/7 Care Taker, for many years.
I was with the Combat WWII 8th Air Force, 401st BG 612th Sqdn. Our Man O’ War Bomber on 20March 1944 was shot down after our plane was the only bomber that successfully bombed (Lt Ted Krol, Bombardier) a military facility. Four-crewmen were KIA, six parachuted from 27,000 feet in a free fall estimated at 25,000 feet because of 50 Cal wounds and lack of oxygen.
I was captured by the German Gestapo and held in a farm house for a few days. Because of my injuries and a Gangrene in my right arm, a German doctor was going to amputate. I refused saying I would rather die, so they let two soldiers to guard me, and to do just that. Die. With my Greek Prayers, three men bearing pistols shot the guards and helped me to escape, arranged a Jew/French surgeon the owner of Reims, France Clinic, hiding from the Gestapo in his cellar, operated on my thee times in 26 hours because of lack of ether, and saved my arm and life. After working with the French Resistance and the British Intelligence (SOE) for several weeks and a $10,000 reward leading to my arrest, by the Gestapo, I travelled over 3000 miles, with the help of the Resistance, the SOE and God’s Prayers, to finally climb the Pyrenees Mountains from France to Spain in a four day and night climb to Freedom, Only to be arrested by the Spanish Constabulary and held prisoner until after D-Day. Click your computer on the book I authored named “Code Burgundy-The Long Escape” for more information [see the “AFEES Books by AFEES Members” page on this website for Mr. Katsaros’ book]. I have given 359 Talks with a Power Point Presentation through out the USA, Europe and Canada.