Charles (“Chuck”) Elwood Yeager, February 13, 1923 – December 7, 2020)
- Wikipedia article on Chuck Yeager. Excerpt from the Wikipedia article: Gen. Yeager was “shot down over France in his first aircraft (P-51B-5-NA s/n 43-6763) on March 5, 1944, on his eighth mission.[19] He escaped to Spain on March 30 with the help of the Maquis (French Resistance) and returned to England on May 15, 1944. During his stay with the Maquis, Yeager assisted the guerrillas in duties that did not involve direct combat; he helped construct bombs for the group, a skill that he had learned from his father.[20] He was awarded the Bronze Star for helping a navigator, Omar M. “Pat” Patterson, Jr., to cross the Pyrenees.”
- Official website of Gen. Yeager.
- New York Times article about Gen. Yeager.