All posts by Garrett Heggem

IAA, Intelligence and Action Agent

In Memoriam: Andree `Nadine’ Dumon (1922-2025)

We regret the death of our last officer IAA.

As a “guide” of the Belgian escape and evasion line Comète, she saved the lives of dozens of Allied airmen.

She has paid heavily for her efforts with 3 years in the concentration camps.

After the war until very recently, she remained active in the duty of remembrance.

This as a speaker at conferences, as an author, in TV programs. …

She will be sorely missed.

Robin Libert,


IAS Comète saved Allied Airmen from the UK, Australia, New-Zealand, Canada, Norway, The Netherlands, USA

Andrée Dumon:

– 1922-2025

– @ Nadine

– Lieutenant IAA

– IAS, Intelligence and Action Service ‘Comète’

– Political Prisoner. Concentration Camps: Groβ-Strelitz, Ravensbrück, Mauthausen

– Survivor of the death marches 

– Co-founder (1945) RUSRA-KUIAD, Royal Union of the Intelligence and Action Services

– Member Board of Directors RURA-KUIAD (1945-2025)

If you want to express your condolences go to

Funeral of Mrs. ‘Nadine’ Andrée Dumon