Nazi Warning to Helpers of Airmen

The following notice posted in France in 1941 makes abundantly clear the enormous risk run by helpers of Allied airmen.  For the benefit of persons searching the Internet, the translation of the first paragraph appears as follows.  See below it for the full text in both French and an English translation.  Our thanks to Dr. Mary Elizabeth Ruwell, Academy Archivist and Chief, Special Collections, McDermott Library, U.S. Air Force Academy, for providing AFEES the image.  To enlarge the image of the original, click on it one or two times.


“All males who come to the aid, either directly or indirectly, of the crews of enemy aircraft coming down in parachutes, or having made a forced landing, helps in their escape, hides them, or comes to their aid in any fashion, will be shot on the spot.

Women who render the same help will be sent to concentration camps in Germany.”

German warning notice to helpers of Allied airmen


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